Areas of Research

The research areas of the social history program bring together researchers from different disciplines, encouraging coordinated research across the board and seeking new themes, issues and sources. This perspective is intended to expand the field of theoretical study and open up new themes in social history.

Each research area promotes activities geared to its specific interests. These research areas serve to guide the organization of research seminars, which take place each semester, involving supervisors and those who are supervised. The laboratories linked to the social history program play an important in integrating the interlinked research areas.

The program is structured on seven “Research Lines”, each one with a group of professors and a coordinator: a) Slavery and Atlantic History, b) History of Movements and Social Relations, c) Political History, d) History of Culture, e) Culture and Power; f) History of Science and Technology; g) Material and visual culture, documentation and heritage.

  1. Slavery and the Black Atlantic;
  2. Social Relations  and Social Movements;  
  3. Political History;
  4. History of Culture;
  5. Culture and Power;
  6. Science and technology;
  7. Cultura Material e visual, historiografia e documentação.





Slavery and the Black Atlantic

The Atlantic is a historical grouping formed by the connections between its various parts (Europe, Africa and America) and slavery and its development were central elements in the shaping of this world. The research that is developed deals with issues relating to the configuration of cultural and ethnic identities; the ways of life and thinking of the groups submitted to the Atlantic diasporas; the processes of domination and resistance; the construction of discursive fields that justify and legitimize; and the intersections between the worlds of work and culture - in short, the movement of people, goods and ideas within the Atlantic space.

1.    Adone Agnolin (+HC)
2.    Carlos Bacellar 
3.    Daniel Strum
4.    Dario Horácio Gutierrez (+HC)
5.    Maria Cristina Wissenbach
6.    Marina de Mello e Souza
7.    Rafael de Bivar Marquese (COORDENADOR)

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Social Relations  and Social Movements

Brings together research characterized by the historical recovery of social dynamics involving different segments, sectors, groups or classes. Research is developed through different chronological sections that emphasize both more general approaches as well as more specific perspectives. Of particular note are studies regarding the forms of resistance of peasants, ethnic and cultural minorities and class conflicts. 

1.    Júlio Cesar Magalhães (COORDENADOR)
2.    Laura de Mello e Souza
3.    Leila Hernandez
4.    Maria Aparecida de Aquino
5.    Maria Helena Pereira Toledo Machado
6.    Pedro Puntoni
7.    Robert Sean Purdy
8.    Zilda Iokoi

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Political History

Is referenced in the theoretical proposals of new political history, articulating projects covering multiple dimensions of the political sphere and the nexus between politics and culture, as well as the linkages between politics and social and economic relations. The research developed in this area incorporates issues such as political culture, the overlapping of ideas and practices, ideologies and the imaginary, and the meanings of symbols, myths and utopias. This area also incorporates studies regarding the nuanced configuration of identities, rights, citizenship and memory. It also stimulates discussion about theoretical and methodological problems, the nature of objectives and the use of sources, which are highlighted by new approaches in this field.

1.    Angelo Segrillo
2.    Carlos Alberto Zeron
3.    Cecília Helena L. De S. Oliveira
4.    João Paulo Garrido Pimenta (COORDENADOR)
5.    Jorge Grespan
6.    Luis Bernardo Pericás
7.    Maria Aparecida de Aquino
8.    Maria Luiza Tucci Carneiro
9.    Miriam Dolhnikoff
10.    Monica Dantas
11.    Norberto Guarinello

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History of Culture

Comprises, in a broad sense, the phenomenon of representation as the practices and formations of ideas and theories. There are a wide variety of approaches and perspectives, including studies of material culture and art history (which are sub-areas); cultural dynamics (such as approaches that emphasize cultural circulation processes, acculturation, transculturation and syncretism); and more interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies, which mainly explore the relationship between history and literature, on the one hand, and history and anthropology on the other. This also includes the study of the theory and history of philosophy, as well as the history of intellectual culture and ideas.

1.    Adone Agnolin
2.    Anita Novinsky
3.    Carlos Roberto Nogueira
4.    Dario Horácio Gutierrez + EHA
5.    Eduardo Natalino - COORDENADOR
6.    Elias Thomé Saliba
7.    Flávio de Campos
8.    Francisco Cabral de Alambert Jr.(+CP) 
9.    Henrique Soares Carneiro
10.    José Antonio Vasconcelos
11.    José Geraldo Vinci de Moraes
12.    Júlio Pimentel
13.    Maria Luiza Marcilio
14.    Maria Odila Leite Silva Dias
15.    Miguel Palmeira
16.    Raquel Glezer
17.    Sara Albieri

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Culture and Power

This research area includes projects that are built around the links between the fields of political history, cultural history and art history, but which point to a new approach that goes beyond the traditional perspective consecrated by these matrices, stressing the hybridity of new objects and problems. So-called "English social history" guided the complex linkages between consciousness, experience, cultural production and the struggle for hegemony in society, expanding the often restrictive use of ideology as a historiographical category. On the other hand, the new wave of political history proposes an approach to politics that goes beyond institutional boundaries to formalize the relations of power (state, government, party system and political-ideological movements). The history of gender relations has also been constituted as an investigative and reflective framework that interlinks concerns regarding culture and power relations. These and other theoretical aspects have indicated the need for the creation of objects and problems located in the spaces between political history and cultural history, as delineated in the contemporary historiographical debate. Some examples of this include intellectual history and the history of intellectuals; cultural institutions operating in the context of power and political struggle; artistic and intellectual engagement; propaganda; cultural policies; and socio-cultural movements and their political identities. Based on these approaches and objects, this research area brings together studies that encompass the various dimensions of cultural production interlinked with political games, recognizing that internal inequalities in societies and the power asymmetries that exist between countries and regions imply cultural dimensions both in terms of the exercise of political domination as well as in forms of resistance.

1.    Ana Paula Megiani
2.    Ana Paula Magalhães
3.    Elizabeth Cancelli 
4.    Francisco Alambert
5.    Francisco Martinho
6.    Gabriela Pellegrino – COORDENADORA
7.    Iris Kantor (+CVHD)
8.    Marcelo Cândido
9.    Marcos Napolitano - 
10.    Maria Helena Capelato
11.    Mary Anne Junqueira
12.    Maurício Cardoso
13.    Stella Maris Vilardaga

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Science and technology

Understand science as a process of knowledge that is in permanent construction, allowing for a research area that seeks to historically question and understand science, especially when it is interwoven by epistemological questions. Thus, the history of science is part of the various historiographical currents of social history, economics and ideas, and it interrelates with philosophy, sociology, anthropology and science education, which are fields that increase the interpretive possibilities of the material and its natural propensity to interdisciplinarity. Recurring problems are discussed from these perspectives, such as the relationship between science, art and technology; the continuities and revolutions in the historical development of science; the notion of progress; whether or not local science exists; and the different ideological and cultural contexts of science and technology.

1.    Marcia Barros (COORDENDORA)
2.    Maria Amélia Dantes
3.    Gildo Magalhães
4.    Shozo Motoyama
5.    Francisco Queiroz

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Reunindo projetos que partem de diferentes posturas teóricas acerca dos objetos de que se ocupa, além de estimular diversas modalidades de abordagem (jurídica, antropológica, política, sociológica e cultural, entre outras) pelas quais podem ser compreendidos em suas inter-relações com a história, a Linha de Pesquisa tem três eixos principais de reflexão: 1) as dimensões materiais e visuais da sociedade, em que se inclui o amplo processo de produção e apropriação de espaços, artefatos e imagens; seus modos de funcionamento; os significados que lhes são atribuídos; e as transformações a que se submetem ao longo do tempo; 2) a produção historiográfica, cuja análise poderá recair sobre um ou mais autores; sobre determinada tendência ou instituição acadêmica; sobre as diversas visões a propósito de um mesmo acontecimento ou fenômeno; sobre manuais didáticos e obras de divulgação etc; 3) os documentos, em sua condição de representar, testemunhar e ilustrar realidades e processos de espectro variável; de viabilizar o funcionamento de instituições, a pesquisa científica e a criação de monumentos; de mobilizar políticas patrimoniais; e de assumir distintas modalidades de custódia (arquivos, bibliotecas, centros de memória, museus etc.) e tratamento documental. 

1.    Ana Maria de Almeida Camargo
2.    Antonia Terra Calazans + HC
3.    Heloísa Barbuy
4.    Heloísa Liberalli Bellotto
5.    Iris Kantor (COORDENADORA)
6.    Marcelo Aparecido Rede
7.    Marcos Silva
8.    Maria Cristina Leandro Pereira
9.    Maria Aparecida Borrego 
10.    Paulo Iumatti + HC
11.    Solange Ferraz
12.    Vânia Carneiro

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